
Thursday, 30 April 2015

What can you do in 15 minutes?

You know the first thing people are going to say is sex: more than once. But I'm not thinking that at all ( novel I know).

Really, think about it, what can you do in 15 minutes?
Change a bed
Write the shopping list
Order a take away
Now the lawn
Cook dinner
What? Nah not feasible say so many people hence why they plump for the take away option. Of course you can! Nah, we can't afford to cook from scratch. Really? Yeah, take away is much cheaper. You think?

I've never fallen for this crap, Infact it's always annoyed the hell out of me. 
I'm a fussy eater. I'm not mad on red meat and hate English vegetables. So the Sunday roast type meal isn't really my thing. What I do like to do is eat food that's full of flavour that's cooked quickly.
I mean, how does this look? Stirs fried veg with quorn 'chicken' and some chorizo on a bed of spaghetti. How much would that cost in a restaurant? Probably around a tenner. How long does it take to cook? Well, according to the spaghetti, 12 minutes. Whack on the pasta, stir fry the veg and any meat you want to have and bingo, a healthy tasty meal in less than 15 minutes that costs about £1.50-£3 per person.
Now what was that excuse about not being able to afford good food?

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Almost up to date!


Shall I compare thee to a mobile App,
select your QR code
download your data
to see if meeting you would be sweeter?

Swipe left, swipe right
onto the next
no words spoken,
was it the eyes or the legs?

Two months now we’ve been mobile dating
Whatsapp, text, messenger relating.
with emoticons we bare our soul
not a spoken word or a hint of meeting


I’m still pondering performance words
entertaining the masses: well a select few.
It’s an art, exploration not a potential installation,
it’s something pure,
but, not necessarily clean.
The language flies
Some f-ing and c-ing here and there
spat out loud in boastful manner

[I don’t mind but I’m not keen]

Is it possible to keep it clean
to express life in the raw
without expletives spouting forth?
Can it be done with tone alone
expressing anger, passion,
death in its throws?

A pause. Deep breath. A scream.
As effective as the f-ing c?


The feeling of satisfaction as the boiler is switched off,
calculating early savings.
“ It was at least another month, this time last year,” said Bert,
hitching up his trousers,
“I remember we had that frost
before yer mother was back from Skeggy.
Do you remember our Nellie?”

Nellie rocks in her chair,
specs balanced on nose.
Knit one, pearl one, clickety clack
the jumper slowly grows.
“Aye Bert it was but fetch in the coal,
it’ll be chilly now the radiators cold.”
Knit one, pearl one, “oh bother”
a dropped stitch runs into a ladder.
Bert shuffles through the kitchen to do as he’s bid.


Can a look be love
That first flutter of sweetness
Or just a little itch?

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Another 4, including 3 haikus


Sun waking the day
dog walking in the crisp air.
Breathing. Smiling. Life.


Gently hold the heart.
Cherish, nurture, protect, love.
Repayment in kind.


Steady breathing
Long exhale
Paws twitching
A whimper
Then silence

Paws running in free air
Nose twitching
Tiny barks
Small cry

Paws twitching
Nose running
Tiny whimper
Silent snorts
Then breathing

Joey sleeping


Be kind to each one.
We know not their path or pain.
Each and every one.

Friday, 10 April 2015

days 7, 8, 9


D-day for the dawg.
Short cut.
Cut short.
Skin head.
Snipped and razored.

2 hours later.
All a dither.
Waggy tail.
Clean and happy.


Back to work,
Easter break
no eggs [I know I’ve said].
PC on, emails in
daily grind begins
over porridge oats and tea.

Phone rings.
Emails ping.
Facebook interrupts,
grabs attention,
funny jokes,
happy news.

Clock strikes 5
leave in light
sun is shining warm.
Work? Hmmmm.
Begin again.


Exciting day with fun to come,
to see the Salford One:
The Bard himself,
John Cooper Clarke.

Will words flow on distant dereliction,
or feisty forms frisson forth?
Will it inflict upon me
like a knife twisting words,
into my brain?

Joey with his new hair cut

Thursday, 9 April 2015

NaPoWriMo..on catch up!

I've missed doing this for a few years but as I realised only a few days late I thought I would add it to my overloaded life and catch up in chunks!

Some poems may be whimsical, others serious. Some may follow a set pattern, others in my usual random style....lets see what happens. But each will have a relevance to my day.


Lirpa Loof is released
to raid the brains of waffle and warp
before the clock strikes twelve
and the carriage deminishes into pumkin mush
beriddled with mice crawling and feasting
leaving you questioning the sanity of man


Late on line launch party
makes for weary eyes and brain
as Agnil and the Centaur's Secret
strides boldly up to Amazon
resplendent with my illustrations

and takes a bow
amongst peers.

Joining the throng to stand
head and shoulders above.


A down day from sad news.

                                        A death.
Too soon.
Too early.

A man I was yet to know truly.
Suffered fools never.
Held friends dear, has passed.
Too shocked.
Too stunned.


Three million!!!!! I have won three million!!
How will I spend it?
A car or two or three?
A house with indoor pool and a library full of books?
A propery abroad maybe?
A party for friends, a round the world trip?

So Grace Patel in South Africa,
your direct line is in my phone
Johannesburg I'm coming
for my Three Million pounds
I'm no fool, it's for real.


He rose on Easter Sunday so it's said,
not a chocolate egg in sight.
No gorging in E numbers to the supermarlets delight
on this very day.

I rose on Sunday to make tea.
To let the dog out for release.
A bright blue day.
No man rising.

No egg for me.


To stretch and relax,
fourth lie-in in a row.
Dog pawing hand,
waiting to wee
I pad downstairs:
make tea.

Ponder what the day will bring. 
Rescue a bee.
First cut of the grass.
Enjoy the warmth of the sun.
Stop being a busy bee and breathe.

Enjoy what life has given,
relish the air, the sun, the day.
Do chores but enjoy
Be me.
Be thankful.